Adobe's new experiment turns tone deaf humming into real music - Tech News Digest

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Adobe's new experiment turns tone deaf humming into real music


What if your tone deaf humming could actually sound... pretty good? That's the premise of a new experiment from Adobe that aims to turn your voice into music.

It's called Project Kazoo, and it could one day make soundtrack creation as simple as humming a quick tune.

The software, which is still in a prototype phase, uses a technology called voice conversion to translate dissonant sounds into music. Hum a couple bars into a microphone, and the software can turn the sound into that of the well-tuned instrument of your choice. It can even convert music from instrument into the sound of another — play a few notes on a recorder and the software will spit out the same notes on a saxophone. Read more...

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via Tech News Digest

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